Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Dogs of War

Day 5 of the 30-Day Challenge to Be Grateful to and Pray for Our Troops

You know the old saying, "A picture's worth a thousand words"? Well, here are a few such pictures...

Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows how much they add to our lives. For those in the military, dogs are more than just companions. They are protectors, comforters, fellow soldiers. They give their all to ensure our soldiers' safety, and they do so with complete devotion.

Sean Hannity spotlighted these K-9 Soldiers, not only for all they do, but to encourage folks to consider adopting these dogs when they've finished their tour of duty. Today, when you see a dog, when you pet your own dog, when you hear a dog bark, remember these K-9 soldiers and the men and women they protect and serve. And, should you be so inclined, considering donating much needed supplies or even giving one a home. You'll be--and receive--a huge blessing.


P.S. In her comment to this post, wonderful novelist Ronie Kendig mentions a picture of a puppy sleeping under a hat and weapon. Here's the picture. How's that for peace in the midst of chaos?


Ronie Kendig said...

Love this post, Karen! Thanks. Today, I received two books in the mail for research "padding": A More Elite Soldier by Chuck Holton, and The Road to Unafraid by Jeff Struecker. Needless to say, our soldiers will be in my heart and prayers as I read. THANK YOU AGAIN for this challenge!

Have you seen the picture of the puppy curled up under a weapon and helmet? Adorable!

Karen B. said...

No, I haven't seen that one. I'll have to look for it.