Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Takin' Back Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's become this commercial spend-fest, but you know what? It doesn't have to be.

I say we take back Valentine's Day. Make it what it used to be when I was a kid.

I remember, growing up, how my mom used to decorate the house top to bottom with cupids and hearts and lace doilies. Dinner was made up of red foods and liquids; each place was adorned with red napkins and a little gift wrapped in red. The centerpiece was red, red, red! It was great.

When I was a young newlywed, I invited our young couples' Bible study group over for a Valentine's Day dinner. Following Mom's lead, EVERYTHING was decked out in red, hearts, and lace. Don, my darlin' hubby, was good enough to help me both decorate and cook, which made the celebration all that much more special.

I still have some of the decorations Mom used to put up. Every time I pull them out, I can see her happy smile and see the delight in her eyes as clear as if she's standing in front of me. And I feel the joy of celebration all over again.

Nowdays it's easy to look on Valentine's Day as a ploy businesses use to get you to spend your money. But all I have to do is think of Mom and I remember...

Valentine's Day isn't about spending money, it's about spreading love. It's not about buying gifts, but about giving your heart and time to those you love. It's not about expensive cards or even flowers or dinners out, it's about celebrating the blessing of love God's given us, both in those around us and through His son, Jesus--who was the greatest Valentine of all time.

So this Valentine's Day, take a moment to share a smile, a hug, and a bit of love with those around you. Don't let the day go by without honoring the love God has lavished on you.

Oh, and if you feel like reading some fun Valentine's Day memories, check out this link: Valentine's Day Memories.

Peace--and loads of love--to you all.


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