Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Song of Peace

Grace, grace, God's grace 
Grace that is greater than all our sin. 

Remember that hymn? I remember singing it when I was young and discovering how much fun it was to sing and harmonize. The tune has stuck with me from those early years. (If you want to see all the lyrics, you can check it out here.)

There is such truth and power in music. My family has always been musical, so my whole life has been impacted and blessed by music. It's brought me joy and laughter, and a soul-deep awareness of power of concise, story-based lyrics. When I'm weary, music lifts me. When I'm happy, music energizes me. When I'm troubled, music soothes me. And when I'm afraid...

Music can bring me peace. In fact, as I've struggled to embrace peace--and as circumstances seem to join together in a concerted effort to keep me and peace apart--I've found myself reworking the lyrics of that old hymn just a bit...

Powerful peace of our loving Lord, 
Peace that the Master's love imparts!
Poured out so freely from heaven's door,
Overflowing our trembling hearts.
Peace, peace, God's peace...
Peace that stills my cries and tears.
Peace, peace, God's peace.
Peace that is greater than all my fears.

As you ponder God's peace in the midst of whatever fears you face, may He breathe a song deep into your heart.

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