Saturday, March 3, 2012

Who Hit Fast Forward??

Remember when we were kids, and time seemed to draaaaaggg on by? Days seemed unending, overflowing with spare time to do whatever we wanted.

I miss those days.

I just took one of my dearest friends to the airport this morning for a flight home. (Had her there at 4 a.m.!! Shows how much I love her!) She arrived 10 days ago, and I was so excited. Ten whole days to savor her laughter, her presence, her wisdom, all face-to-face. Ten days to sip coffee and share our thoughts, whether deep or crazy. Ten. Whole. Days.

I remember when ten days seemed an eternity. Now? I'm sitting here wondering where the heck they went! How can they be over already?? Seems like all I did was blink, and it was time to say good-bye. As I sat here missing her already, I thought about all we did over these last ten days. We took day trips to lakes and covered bridges, spent a few days with another dear friend, had lots of talks and coffee, played cribbage, talked some more and laughed and laughed. It was, really, a wonderful visit. But it wasn't enough time.

Seems, nowadays, like there's never enough time.

To be with friends.
To cherish family.
To soak in God's beauty.
To revel in my dogs' adoration.
To listen to music.
To read that ever growing pile of books.

To do any of the things I want to do.

As I thought about it, I realized something. I may not be able to stop time, but I can sure decide how I'm going to use it. I can let it all just pass me by, then regret the things I didn't do. Or I can purpose, each day, to take the time for the things that really matter. Whether it's watching a movie with my wonderful dad, sharing a cuppa with my hubby, being with my friends, or just throwing a ball for the doggies...I can choose to take moments each day to savor all the blessings God has given me. I don't ever, EVER, want to look back on my life (what's left of it, anyway) and sigh, "I just didn't have time for that."

I've got the time. No matter what I say or how stressed I feel, the simple fact is, I have the time.

I just need to use it more wisely. And I'm going to.

Starting today.

Peace, friends.



Sandy said...

Very nicely written. Thank you for the reminder!

Peggy M Whitson said...

Very nice, Karen. What a great reminder of how valuable our time is. Like you, I don't want to waste it on things that don't matter. I already miss you! I'm going to strive to stay better connected with you, because your friendship, and you, do matter!

patti said...

and we get to savor time with you~~all the time~ yaaaay! You've got your motives, your heart, and your priorities in line, dear one--no problemo!